Simplifying Linux Command Line with GPT-CLI (rust, open source)

The Linux command line interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that allows programmers to interact with their computers and servers in an efficient and fast way. It is a tool that is widely used in programming and system administration. However, learning the Linux CLI can be a daunting task, especially for newcomers to the field. This is where GPT-CLI comes in. GPT-CLI is a tool that uses natural language processing (NLP) to simplify the Linux CLI, making it easier for anyone to use.

What is GPT-CLI?

GPT-CLI is a command-line tool that uses the power of natural language processing (NLP) to help programmers write Linux commands using natural language. It is built on top of the OpenAI GPT-3 language model, which is one of the most advanced NLP models available today. With GPT-CLI, you can type in a command in English, and it will automatically translate it into the corresponding Linux CLI command, saving you time and effort.

How does GPT-CLI work?

GPT-CLI uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the text that you input and generate a response based on that input. When you type in a command in English, GPT-CLI uses NLP to understand the intent of the command and then translates it into the corresponding Linux CLI command. For example, if you type in create a new directory called 'my_folder', GPT-CLI will translate that into the Linux command mkdir my_folder. This process is made possible by the advanced natural language processing capabilities of GPT-3.

But there are more use cases. I fyou will write

p play test.mp3 from console on fedora

you will get:

mpg123 test.mp3


p display invoice.pdf in fedora

it will execute

evince invoice.pdf


p convert en.mp4 to en.mp3

you can expect

ffmpeg -i en.mp4 en.mp3


p count all files in all first level directories here and list name of directories and amount of files inside

result will be

find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c 'echo -n "{}: "; find "{}" -type f | wc -l' \;


p length in seconds of ar.mp3

there will be executed command

ffprobe -i ar.mp3 -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0"

Advantages of using GPT-CLI

The main advantage of using GPT-CLI is that it makes it easier for newcomers to the field to learn and use the Linux CLI. The Linux CLI can be intimidating for those who are new to programming or system administration, but with GPT-CLI, they can use natural language to interact with the command line, making it more accessible and less intimidating. Additionally, GPT-CLI can help to save time for experienced programmers, as it can be faster to type in a command in English than to remember the exact syntax for each command. This can increase productivity and reduce the time taken to write complex commands.

Another advantage of GPT-CLI is that it can help to reduce errors when writing Linux commands. With GPT-CLI, you can write commands in natural language, which can reduce the likelihood of making errors due to typos or incorrect syntax. This is especially useful for those who are new to the Linux CLI and may not have a good understanding of the syntax for each command.

GPT-CLI can also help to reduce the learning curve associated with programming and system administration. With the help of GPT-CLI, users can easily learn the Linux CLI without having to spend a lot of time memorizing complex syntax and commands. This tool has the potential to make the Linux CLI more accessible to a wider audience, including those who may not have a technical background or who are new to programming.

Future of GPT-CLI

The future of GPT-CLI tool looks promising, as the field of natural language processing continues to evolve and improve. With the development of more advanced machine learning algorithms and language models, GPT-CLI has the potential to become even more powerful and accurate. This could lead to even greater accessibility and ease of use for the Linux CLI, making it an even more valuable tool for programmers and system administrators.

Currently project is slowly growing.

You can download it and use because it is open source.

GitHub - gustawdaniel/gpt-cli: Run linux commands with natural language. Eg.: “show my graphic card” instead “lspci | grep VGA”
Run linux commands with natural language. Eg.: "show my graphic card" instead "lspci | grep VGA" - GitHub - gustawdaniel/gpt-cli: Run linux commands with natural language. Eg.:…


GPT-CLI is a powerful tool that simplifies the Linux CLI using natural language processing. It is a tool that can make the Linux CLI more accessible to a wider audience, including those who may be new to programming or system administration. With the help of GPT-CLI, users can save time and reduce errors when writing Linux commands.