Tutorial for ESM + CommonJS package creators

I will start from sources and context, then show practical implementation.

Pure ESM vs Dual Packages

Modules in JavaScript has awesome history and knowledge of their evolution is important for understanding current state and forecasting future shape of JS ecosystem.

Understanding ES6 Modules via Their History — SitePoint
Elias Carlston looks at the history behind JavaScript ES6 modules and how that has influenced module design in its current state.

There is widely cited opinion, that we should provide ESM package only on gist below.

Pure ESM package
Pure ESM package. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

But it can lead to problems experienced by end users or other maintainers.

The awkward valley to ESM: Node.js, Victory, and D3
We continue our examination of the shift to ESM on Node.js and broader ramifications for the ecosystem. In this post, we look at the challenges and lessons in handling ESM-only dependencies in our Victory charting library.

Breaking compatibility is one of ways of introduction for change, but is painful and leads to errors like these:

Error: require() of ES modules is not supported when importing
Error: require() of ES modules is not supported when importing node-fetch
I’m creating a program to analyze security camera streams and got stuck on the very first line. At the moment my .js file has nothing but the import of node-fetch and it gives me an error message.…

Viewed 123k times

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module not supported
I’m trying to make a Discord bot that just says if someone is online on the game.However I keep getting this message: [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module from not supported. Instead change…

Viewed 379k times

It is great that knowledge about ESM spreads in community thanks to these errors, but CommonJS is currently default standard for module inclusion in NodeJS world.

CommonJS vs ES Modules in Node.js - A Detailed Comparison
A module system allows you to split up your code into parts or include code written by other developers. Check CommonJS vs ES modules comparision when using them in Node.js apps.

I can't find official sources but using GPT-4 we can estimate that in april 2023:

  1. ESM adoption reaches a substantial level, possibly around 30-40% of the npm packages.
  2. CommonJS continues to hold a significant share, perhaps around 60-70%, due to its historical prevalence and the presence of many legacy projects still using it.
  3. Dual packages might represent a slightly larger portion of the ecosystem, around 10-15%, as package authors aim to support both module systems during the transition period.

So because we are in "transition period" I think it is better to take responsibility and provide dual version for existing packages.

If you creating new package I think you can select ESM and do not worry about CommonJS but if your packages was published earlier, this tutorial is for you.

Dual package hazard

Before we start you should be aware of existence of hazard for dual packages:

Modules: Packages | Node.js v19.8.1 Documentation

Simplifying if user will write const pkgInstance = require('pkg') and in other place import pkgInstance from 'pkg' then two instances of package will be created. It can lead to hard to debug problems and undefined behaviors so there are two methods of minimize them.

I prepared diagram that help you do decide which approach best fit to you:

If you need to create ES wrapper then refer directly to docs. In further chapter I will assume that you have stateless package and will apply Isolate state approach.

Isolated state

There is great practical guide that showing problem similar to this one:

Supporting CommonJS and ESM with Typescript and Node

Creation of dual package

In this example we will write library that implement sum function. Let's create project:

npm init -y && tsc --init && mkdir -p src && touch src/index.ts

in src/index.ts file we defining function

export function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a+b;

in package.json we adding script.build that will create both CJS and ESM

"build": "npx tsc --module commonjs --outDir cjs/ && echo '{\"type\": \"commonjs\"}' > cjs/package.json && npx tsc --module es2022 --outDir esm/ && echo '{\"type\": \"module\"}' > esm/package.json"

because we will create two directories instead of single dist we adding to package.json

  "exports": {
    "require": "./cjs/index.js",
    "import": "./esm/index.js"
  "types": "./src",

Finally in package.json we need to change main

  "main": "cjs/index.js"

Now after building

npm run build

we can test it in other project.

Import/require on dual package

Create other project

npm init -y

and add dependency with patch to our original project

    "sumesm": "file:./../dual"

and here in index.js we can write

const s = require('sumesm');

console.log(s.sum(1, 2));

as well as

(async () => {
    const s = await import('sumesm');
    console.log(s.sum(1, 2));

both will work.

Test for dual package in jest

Let's go back to our package and write tests.

npm install --save-dev jest @types/jest ts-jest
npx ts-jest config:init

or if you do not able to remember all these commands you can use

gpt-cli add and config jest for typescript to node project

using this program https://github.com/gustawdaniel/gpt-cli. Lets create test

mkdir -p test && touch test/sum.test.ts

with content

import {sum} from "../src";

it('sum', () => {
    expect(sum(1, 2)).toEqual(3)

and update script in package.json

    "test": "jest",

test works

Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Time:        1.185 s

we can replace ts-node by esbuild-jest in package.json and preset: 'ts-jest', in jest.config.js by

"transform": {
    "^.+\\.tsx?$": "esbuild-jest"

to speedup tests 8 times

Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Time:        0.152 s, estimated 2 s

and it also works.

Unfortunately tests breaks our build so we have two options.

First is slow, but seems to be stable. It is inclusion:

 "include": [

to tsconfig.json. Second is two time faster and it is simple migration from tsc to esbuild. You can replace old build in package.json by

    "build": "npx esbuild --bundle src/index.ts --outdir=cjs --platform=node --format=cjs && echo '{\"type\": \"commonjs\"}' > cjs/package.json && npx esbuild --bundle src/index.ts --outdir=esm --platform=neutral --format=esm && echo '{\"type\": \"module\"}' > esm/package.json"

Check autocompletion of types

Thanks to "types": "./src", in package.json it works. There is common practice to replace source by files that contains only types, because full sources are heavier. But i prefer this method because it is easier to debug.

To final package you need to append:


Building with swc

I was tried to replace esbuild by swc but it is not ready yet.

Let's dive in problems

Let's assume now that we need to use package humanize-string. I selected this one because it is example of package which dropped cjs causing problems. His version 2.1.0 is cjs, but 3.0.0 is pure esm.

If we will add this package in version 2.1.0 to our project then cjs can be builded properly but for esm there is error:

package xregexp that is dependency of decamelize had default export in version 4 so it was impossible to easy convert it to esm

we can read about this problem here:

Import does not work anymore since version 4.4.0 · Issue #305 · slevithan/xregexp
We use xregexp in a shared library that is used in our client (Angular 10) as well as on our server (NodeJS / Webpack 5). Until version 4.3.0 we were able to import xregexp like this and everything…

On the other hand when we will install humanize-string in 3.0.0 then building works but tests are broken:

fortunately in this case i found solution overriding decamelize version:

  "dependencies": {
    "humanize-string": "^2.1.0"
  "overrides": {
    "decamelize": "4.0.0"

because it dropping xregexp dependency

Release v4.0.0 · sindresorhus/decamelize
If you need Firefox support, stay on version 3.Breaking Require Node.js 10 and drop xregexp dependency (#22) 7ac6111 Fixes Fix handling of capitalized word which ends with a number (#23) 26c7…

but if I would not find this option then I would probably move to pnpm for pnpm patch or use npm patch-package. This scenario is typical if you trying to do something with esm.

Future of JS Packages

Now we are in transition moment. It is quite clear that in future cjs modules will be called legacy and we will use rather ESM. I hope that by offering dual packages instead of ESM-only, users will spend less time dealing with errors. In the meantime, a new wave of developer tools like SWC, esbuild, Rome, and others will continue to improve ESM support. Eventually, we will be able to drop CommonJS support in the future when its impact on end-users becomes negligible.

Thanks for all Reddit users that helped me understand this topic in discussion:

ESM vs Dual Package?
by u/gustaw_daniel in node